Hypnotherapy, as well as The Grief Recovery Method, are the two distinct branches that form Harbor Hypnotherapy & Healing Life's Losses.
Each are very powerful and effective ways of helping people make major changes in their life. Whether it is one or multiple losses, or wanting to make distinct and deliberate changes in behavior regarding addictions, phobias, OCD, eating issues, smoking, anxiety and many other unhealthy habits or mind sets, Harbor Hypnotherapy can significantly help. I have found my ultimate purpose is helping my clients find happiness and peace of mind in all aspects of their life.
Health Benefits of Hypnotherapy
There are many health and life benefits of hypnosis therapy. This popular and sometimes misunderstood method of holistic healing helps you createpositive results in all aspects of your life.
If thoughts of being hypnotized conjure up images of someone dangling a pocket watch in front of you while chanting: You are getting sleepy, you may want to give this well-documented technique another look.
Hypnotherapy has the potential to help you achieve wellness and life goals. Harbor Hypnotherapy can help you:
- release excess weight
- stop smoking
- improve self-esteem
- reduce stress and calm your nerves
- sleep better
- ease pain
- ease symptoms of IBS
- quell hot flashes
- achieve life goals
- explore a repressed past
- In addition, I have helped people with addiction, depression and PTSD.
Hypnosis and Guided meditation has truly made a difference for the positive in so many peoples life.
Robin Gensburg
The Grief Recovery Method
The Grief Recovery Method has been around for 40 plus years. It is a hands on, active program for moving beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses. Recovery from loss is accomplished by a series of small and correct action choices made by those going through loss. Most people going through loss have not been given the necessary information with which to make these choices. The program clearly explains what they are and makes recovery a real possibility.